Results for 'Judith Rice Henderson'

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  1. The unfolding of words: commentary in the age of Erasmus.Judith Rice Henderson, Peter Michael Swan, Karen Mak & Nancy Senior (eds.) - 2012 - Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
    Leading sixteenth-century scholars such as Martin Luther and Desiderius Erasmus used print technology to engage in dialogue and debate with authoritative contemporary texts. By what Juan Luis Vives termed 'the unfolding of words,' these humanists gave old works new meanings in brief notes and extensive commentaries, full paraphrases, or translations. This critique challenged the Middle Ages' deference to authors and authorship and resulted in some of the most original thought--and most violent controversy--of the Renaissance and Reformation.
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    The kindness curriculum: stop bullying before it starts.Judith Anne Rice - 2013 - St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press.
    Use this comprehensive framework and developmentally appropriate activities to teach young children compassion, conflict resolution, respect, and other positive, pro-social values as you cultivate a peaceful and supportive learning environment for all children.
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  3. Out of Africa : colonial rice history in the Black Atlantic.Judith Carney - 2011 - In Sandra Harding (ed.), The postcolonial science and technology studies reader. Durham: Duke University Press.
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    Indigenous soil and water management in Senegambian rice farming systems.Judith Carney - 1991 - Agriculture and Human Values 8 (1):37-48.
    Considerable attention has focussed on the potential of indigenous agricultural knowledge for sustainable development. Drawing upon fieldwork on the soil and water management principles of rice farming systems in Senegambia, this paper examines the potential of the traditional system for a sustainable food security strategy. Problems with pumpirrigation are reviewed as well as previous efforts in swamp rice development. It is argued that sustainability depends on more than ecological factors and in particular, requires sensitivity to socio-economic parameters such (...)
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    Women‘s land rights in Gambian irrigated rice schemes: Constraints and opportunities. [REVIEW]Judith A. Carney - 1998 - Agriculture and Human Values 15 (4):325-336.
    This paper discusses the significance of gender-based conflicts for thefailure of Gambian irrigated rice projects. In particular, it illustrateshow resource control of a gendered crop, rice, shifts from females to maleswith the development of pump-irrigated rice projects. Irrigation imposes aradically different labor regime on household producers, demanding thatthey intensify labor for year-round cultivation. Yet, the Gambian farmingsystem evolved for a five month agricultural calendar, in which women wereaccorded specific land and labor rights. The need to restructure familylabor, (...)
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    Resolving Human Rights Conflicts: Evaluating Judith Jarvis Thomson’s High-Threshold Thesis. [REVIEW]Eugene Rice - 2004 - Journal of Value Inquiry 38 (2):203-216.
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    Judith A. Carney. Black Rice: The African Origins of White Rice Cultivation. 256 pp., illus., refs., index. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2002. $37.50. [REVIEW]Lawrence S. Dritsas - 2004 - Isis 95 (4):702-703.
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    L. DOĞER, Izmir Arkeoloji Müzesi Örnekleriyle Kazιma Dekorlu Ege-Bizans Seramikleri.Beate Böhlendorf-Arslan - 2002 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 95 (2):685-687.
    Im Archäologischen Museum in Izmir sind 227 Gefäße inventarisiert, die einen der größten Bestände von Unterwasserfunden byzantinischer Keramik in der Türkei bilden. Aus dieser Sammlung stellt Lale Doğer in dem vorliegenden Band, einem Ausschnitt ihrer Doktorarbeit, 123 dieser Vasen vor. Die Keramiken des Museums Izmir wurden zwischen 1967 und 1974 im Kunsthandel gekauft bzw. als illegales Gut beschlagnahmt. 166 Gefäßen wurden aus anderen türkischen Museen nach Izmir überwiesen (Vorwort S. 1-2) und stammen wohl ebenso aus ungeklärten Fundzusammenhängen. Eine genauere Fundortangabe (...)
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  9. Defending the Objective List Theory of Well‐Being.Christopher M. Rice - 2013 - Ratio 26 (2):196-211.
    The objective list theory of well-being holds that a plurality of basic objective goods directly benefit people. These can include goods such as loving relationships, meaningful knowledge, autonomy, achievement, and pleasure. The objective list theory is pluralistic (it does not identify an underlying feature shared by these goods) and objective (the basic goods benefit people independently of their reactive attitudes toward them). In this paper, I discuss the structure of this theory and show how it is supported by people's considered (...)
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  10. I can see it both ways: First- and third-person visual perspectives at retrieval.Heather Rice & David Rubin - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (4):877-890.
    The number of studies examining visual perspective during retrieval has recently grown. However, the way in which perspective has been conceptualized differs across studies. Some studies have suggested perspective is experienced as either a first-person or a third-person perspective, whereas others have suggested both perspectives can be experienced during a single retrieval attempt. This aspect of perspective was examined across three studies, which used different measurement techniques commonly used in studies of perspective. Results suggest that individuals can experience more than (...)
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    Desperately Seeking Verena: A Resistant Reading of "The Bostonians".Judith Wilt - 1987 - Feminist Studies 13 (2):293.
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  12. How are Models and Explanations Related?Yasha Rohwer & Collin Rice - 2016 - Erkenntnis 81 (5):1127-1148.
    Within the modeling literature, there is often an implicit assumption about the relationship between a given model and a scientific explanation. The goal of this article is to provide a unified framework with which to analyze the myriad relationships between a model and an explanation. Our framework distinguishes two fundamental kinds of relationships. The first is metaphysical, where the model is identified as an explanation or as a partial explanation. The second is epistemological, where the model produces understanding that is (...)
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    The Mind's Love for God.Kenneth Henderson - 1936 - Philosophy 11 (43):309 - 321.
    He upon whom has descended the “amor intellectualis Dei” must make up his mind to walk much alone. In the world of “intellectuals” he is at present “out of the swim,” and his work must be done against the prevailing current. And among the generality of religious people, he is regarded as rather a disturbing presence in matters of faith, apt to fall short, apparently, of their own standards in the service of God. “The love of the mind for God” (...)
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    Interdisciplinary modeling: a case study of evolutionary economics.Collin Rice & Joshua Smart - 2011 - Biology and Philosophy 26 (5):655-675.
    Biologists and economists use models to study complex systems. This similarity between these disciplines has led to an interesting development: the borrowing of various components of model-based theorizing between the two domains. A major recent example of this strategy is economists’ utilization of the resources of evolutionary biology in order to construct models of economic systems. This general strategy has come to be called evolutionary economics and has been a source of much debate among economists. Although philosophers have developed literatures (...)
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    Gendered Agents: Women and Institutional Knowledge.Paul A. Bové & Silvestra Mariniello (eds.) - 1998 - Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press.
    _Gendered Agents_, edited by Silvestra Mariniello andPaul A. Bové, presents essays by influential feminist theorists who challenge traditional Western epistemology and suggest new directions for feminism. By examining both literary and historical discourses, such critics as Gayatri Spivak, Hortense Spillers, and Lauren Berlant assess questions of sexuality, ethics, race, psychoanalysis, subjectivity, and identity. Gathered from various issues of the journal _boundary 2_, the essays in _Gendered Agents_ seek to transform the model of Western academic knowledge by restructuring its priorities and (...)
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    Theatre et theatralite: Essais d'etudes semiotiquesTheatralite, ecriture et mise en sceneLe Masque: Du rite au theatre.Judith G. Miller, Jeannette Laillou Savona, Josette Feral, Edward A. Walker, Odette Aslan & Denis Bablet - 1987 - Substance 16 (3):94.
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    Bias cuts deeper than scores.Judith Economos - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (3):342-343.
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    S-R and R-S unlearning as a function of transfer paradigm.Judith A. Petrich - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 83 (1p1):19.
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    Reading the Social Contract.Judith Shklar - 1979 - In Alkis Kontos (ed.), Powers, Possessions, and Freedom: Essays in Honour of C.B. Macpherson. University of Toronto Press.
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    Precis of Part TwoMoral Relativism and Moral Objectivity.Judith Jarvis Thomson & Gilbert Harman - 1998 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 58 (1):171.
  21. Merleau-Ponty and the touch of Malebranche.Judith Butler - 2004 - In Taylor Carman & Mark B. N. Hansen (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Merleau-Ponty. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 181--205.
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    Illegal Leisure: The Normalization of Adolescent Recreational Drug Use.Judith Aldridge, Fiona Measham & Howard Parker - 1998 - Routledge.
    _Illegal Leisure _offers a unique insight into the role drug use now plays in British youth culture. The authors present the results of a five year longitudinal study into young people and drug taking. They argue that drugs are no longer used as a form of rebellious behaviour, but have been subsumed into wider, acceptable leisure activities. The new generation of drug user can no longer be seen as mad or bad or from subcultural worlds - they are ordinary and (...)
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  23. Functional neurosurgical intervention: neuroethics in the operating room.P. J. Ford & J. M. Henderson - forthcoming - Neuroethics. Defining the Issues in Theory, Practice, and Policy.
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  24. Beauvoir on Sade: Making sexuality into an ethic.Judith Butler - 2003 - In Claudia Card (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Simone de Beauvoir. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 168--88.
  25. Spinoza and the Problem of Suicide.Lee Rice - 1994 - International Philosophical Quarterly 34 (2):229-241.
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    (2 other versions)Selected books.Judith Bartholomew Gagnon - 1981 - Bioethics Quarterly 3 (3-4):211-226.
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  27. Notes on Strawson's logic.Judith Jarvis - 1961 - Mind 70 (277):53-82.
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    Daring to Play Oneself: Gambling, Psychoanalysis and Practical Self-determination.Popp Judith-Frederike - 2022 - Critical Gambling Studies 3 (2):135-144.
    The critical intention of this article does not focus on a comprehensive socio-cultural evaluation of gambling. Rather, its perspective is guided towards ways of picturing gambling and the subject of the gambler in different theoretical contexts. It is argued that one might expand philosophical conceptions of practical self-determination by taking an interdisciplinary look at gambling. However, such an attempt runs into the danger of painting an overly simplistic picture of self-control as self-continence, which can be found in theoretical approaches pathologizing (...)
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    Rape and Responsibility.Lynne Henderson - 1992 - Law and Philosophy 11 (1/2):127 - 178.
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    Temporalité industrielle et recomposition des espaces urbains à Datong.Judith Audin - 2017 - Temporalités 26.
    Cet article analyse les ancrages spatiaux de la temporalité industrielle à Datong, ville moyenne du Shanxi, surnommée « capitale du charbon ». Le centre-ville, qui a fait l’objet d’un plan ambitieux de remodelage urbain autour du thème de la « vieille ville » historique et culturelle entre 2008 et 2013 ayant impulsé une opération colossale de démolition-reconstruction, a été délaissé au cours d’une période de transition politique difficile. Parallèlement, dans le district minier, l’entreprise d’État Tongmei, poumon économique de la ville, (...)
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    Preface.Judith Gardiner & Millie Thayer - 2011 - Feminist Studies 37 (3):495-501.
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  32. An Approach to Wittgenstein's Metaphysics.Judith Genova - 1970 - Dissertation, Brandeis University
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    Retroactive interference with multiple interpolated lists.Judith Goggin - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 80 (3p1):483.
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    Mathematical People: Profiles and Interviews. Donald J. Albers, G. L. Alexanderson.Judith Grabiner - 1988 - Isis 79 (3):513-514.
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    Defaming and Defining ‘Bloody Mary’ in Nineteenth-Century England.Judith Richards - 2014 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 90 (1):287-303.
    Although the reputation of Englands first queen regnant, Mary Tudor had remained substantially unchanged in the intervening centuries, there were always some defenders of that Catholic queen among the historians of Victorian England. It is worth noting, however, that such revisionism made little if any impact on the schoolroom history textbooks, where Marys reputation remained much as John Foxe had defined it. Such anxiety as there was about attempts to restore something of Marys reputation were made more problematic by the (...)
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    (1 other version)Textbooks in Greek and Latin, Supplementary Survey.Judith Lynn Sebesta - 2001 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 94 (3):297-302.
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    48.Judith Strasser - 1999 - Feminist Studies 25 (1):131.
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    "Ought" Implies "Can".G. P. Henderson - 1966 - Philosophy 41 (156):101 - 112.
    The dictum ‘“ought” implies “can”’ has a status in moral philosophy in some respects like that of ‘a good player needs good co-ordination’ in talk about ball-games. Clearly, you say something important but not conclusive about proficiency in playing a ball-game when you say that it requires good co-ordination: similarly, you say something important but not conclusive about obligation when you say that it implies a certain possibility or power or ability. Each dictum is a reminder: the one about such (...)
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    Spatial Frequency Training Modulates Neural Face Processing: Learning Transfers from Low- to High-Level Visual Features.Judith C. Peters, Carlijn van den Boomen & Chantal Kemner - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Aquinas' Inconsistency on the Nature and the Treatment of Animals.Judith Barad - 1988 - Between the Species 4 (2):7.
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    Disgust: Sensory affect or primary emotional system?Judith A. Toronchuk & George Fr Ellis - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (8):1799-1818.
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    Hume's Moral Theory.Judith Slein - 1982 - Philosophical Review 91 (2):269.
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    Book Review: American Health Care: Government, Market Processes and the Public Interest.Judith R. Lave - 2001 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 38 (1):81-82.
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    Tributes to Kathleen Marguerite Lea, 1903-1995.Judith Lea, Clalire McLaughlin & Anthony de Vere - 1996 - The Chesterton Review 22 (3):377-382.
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    Endings.Judith McCombs - 1993 - Feminist Studies 19 (3):657.
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    The Sisters.Judith McCombs - 1978 - Feminist Studies 4 (2):42.
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    The Biggest Loser Thinks Long-Term: Recency as a Predictor of Success in Weight Management.Gilly Koritzky, Chantelle Rice, Camille Dieterle & Antoine Bechara - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Exhibition review.Judith Anne Barber - 1998 - Nursing Inquiry 5 (3):197-200.
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    Resolving a gender and language problem in women’s leadership: Consultancy research in workplace discourse.Judith Baxter - 2017 - Discourse and Communication 11 (2):141-159.
    This article considers the contribution that consultancy research might make to resolving communication problems that women have identified in their leadership practices. Within the intersecting fields of gender and language and workplace discourse, consultancy research – that is, practitioner-commissioned research to resolve work-related, communication problems – is still uncommon. This article presents a study of Monika, a senior leader in an engineering company, who commissioned me to find out why she was experiencing communication problems with her teams. By using interactional (...)
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    Narrative, Theatre, and the Disruptive Potential of Jury Directions in Rape Trials.Kirsty Duncanson & Emma Henderson - 2014 - Feminist Legal Studies 22 (2):155-174.
    Over the past 30 years, the Australian state of Victoria has made numerous reforms to a set of jury directions purporting to address concerns that rape trials do not adequately respond to the reality of sexual offending in the community. Building on work identifying the predominant narratives mobilised in rape trials, in this article we consider whether the way in which a jury consumes information during a trial explains why the jury directions, positioned and utilised as they are, appear to (...)
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